Sunday, January 27, 2008

The Defrocked Bishop's Ultimate Plan in Joining the Catholic Church In Progress

This is a report translated from which proves the intentions of the defrocked bishop to become one with the Chaldean Catholics. In the past, he has repeatedly denied this ultimate intention, but his actions and the latest "declaration of intent" under his new church called "Apostolic Assyrian Catholic Diocese" further proves otherwise.

The translated report states:

[Ashur Soro] and his supporters declare their determination to join the Catholic Church --- [Ashur Soro] and his supporters announced in a statement sent to the site their determination to join the Catholic Church after a meeting held in California their "declaration of intent". Their establishment of the diocese of their own, called "The Assyrian Catholic Diocese Apostolic" (ACDA), was determined and their hopes have been that this will lead to opening the way to enter negotiations with the Chaldean Catholic Church to agree on a formula for unity.

The Press Release states:

On Thursday, January 17, 2008, and known as the "Day of Thanksgiving" of the Rogation of the Ninevites, for which the Bible says "And in that day ye shall ask me nothing. Amen, Amen, I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall ask the Father in My Name, He will give it you". (John 16:23), the Clergy Conference of the Assyrian Catholic Apostolic Diocese (ACAD) met in the city of Dublin, California to discuss the current situation and consider future plans for re-establishing communion.

The attendees unanimously voted for "declaration of intent" in which they expressed their determination "to engage fully with the Catholic Church" and "the resumption of unity with the Chaldean Catholic Church." As a result of this declaration, they expect the preface to enter into negotiations with the competent ecclesiastical authorities to identify coherent model of this unit...

The original and full post of this report can be found in:

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Assyrian Post's Christmas Message

Assyrian Post would like to wish you all a Blessed Christmas and a Happy and Peaceful New Year's. The simple and inspiring story of the birth of Jesus Christ fills our souls with gratitude and our hearts with joy, for the many blessings in our lives and promises that God's purpose is justice and His plan is peace. Christmas is also a time to give thanks to the Lord for His Love and Protection and a time to remember our duty to care for the vulnerable.

Our hope for all of us this Christmas is that the wonder of what happened at that unique birth in Bethlehem may recapture our hearts and imaginations, and that any lingering sense of hollowness may be replaced by an adoration that springs from the depths of thankfulness.

Igarta of His Holiness Mar Dinkha IV for Christmas 2007-2008

His Holiness Mar Dinkha's "Igarta" can be viewed by clicking on the link below:

January 2008 Church Calendar

Jan. 2, Dukhrana d’Mar Zaia
Jan. 4, Dukhrana d’Mar Maryam
Jan. 6, Eada d’Dinkhe d’Maran
Jan. 7, Baoota d’btoolateh
Jan. 10, Dukhrana d’Mar Youkhanan Zarooqa
Jan. 11, Dukhrana d’Mar Youkhanan Maimdana
Jan. 14, Baoota d’Ninwaye
Jan. 17, Thursday of Thanksgiving
Jan. 18, Dukhrana d’Malpane Atouraye o’Younaye
Jan. 24, Dukhrana d’Mar Youkhanan Bar Malke
Jan. 25, Dukhrana d’Mar Estapanos and Mar Awa Catolichos
Jan. 27, Dukhrana d’Sahda Mar Benyamin Shimmon